Free shipping on all orders over ₹ 2000
Free shipping on all orders over ₹ 2000
Free shipping on all orders over ₹ 2000

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Process

  • General Policy: does not typically provide cancellations or refunds for orders. However, in exceptional cases, the company may assist users with managing their orders and initiating a cancellation and refund process.
  • Manual Handling: Cancellation and refund requests will be handled manually by our customer support team. Users must contact support via [contact email] to request assistance with cancellations or refunds.
  • Cancellation Restrictions: Cancellations will only be considered if the ordered item has not yet been dispatched to the shipping address provided by the user.
  • Payment System Errors: If the payment system experiences errors or if the user encounters a bad experience during the payment process, they are encouraged to contact our customer support team for assistance.

Return and Refund Process

  • Exceptions Only: Returns and refunds are only considered for exceptional cases and are not part of our standard policy.
  • Processing Time: The return and refund process may take up to one month to complete from the date of initiation.
  • Return Shipping Responsibility: If a return is approved, the user may be required to return the product at their own risk. The refund process will commence only after the product has been returned to
  • Refund Method: Approved refunds will be issued back to the same account from which the payment was received by the company.
  • Required Documentation: To proceed with the refund process, users must provide proof of their details, product details, along with the invoice or order number and invoice number.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Cancellation Policy, please contact us at [email protected]